- Rome-Schoenstatt Pilgrimage
Anchored in the Covenant, members of the Schoenstatt Movement, USA, will set out in pilgrimage to Rome in the jubilee year 2025, as Pilgrims of Hope.
Places we will visit include: Original Schoenstatt Shrine Founder’s Chapel in Schoenstatt Switzerland, Munich, Liebfrauenhöhe, and Rome.
For more information and registration, visit here.
- Into the Deep! – 70th Anniversary of the Founder Shrine!
Into the Deep!
Queen of Apostles Seminary and Shrine
Blessings on this 70th anniversary of the Founder Shrine!
The following words are from the homily that Fr. Otto Boenki, Pallottine priest, preached on June 20, 1953—70 years ago:
After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but upon your command I will lower the nets” (Lk. 5: 4-5).
One source of strength is faith—and this chapel is inspired by faith. Many similar shrines throughout Christendom were built primarily out of gratitude for special favors received. Others were erected to atone for the sins and crimes of families and nations. Still others owe their existence to a special request of the Blessed Mother herself appearing in such places. This shrine is inspired solely by faith. Here lies one source of its power. The simple faith of the founding generation overcame all obstacles by being convinced that Schoenstatt is a birthplace of a worldwide movement of renewal. The Church uses three criteria in order to judge a work of God: the insignifance of the instruments, the insurmountable difficulties, and the greatness of the success.
All great movements have a vision and orientate themselves on this vision. Our vision embraces the new person who lives in union with God. If we apply this to our circumstances, we have to say that the United States must become a Marian land…
If America becomes a real land of Mary, then it will become a holy land… If Schoenstatt’s vision is genuine and has the possibility to develop here, then America will find the way back to God and with this the United States will fulfill its mission in the world. In the center of this vision stands the shrine. This shrine wants to help America fulfill its mission for the world. Therefore, the words of the Bishop about the spiritual powerhouse are justified.
We may imagine that the graces flowing from this shrine grow into a stream to water our land.How has this stream of graces penetrated the soil of our land?
With the words “Upon your word I will cast out the net,” Father Kentenich began his report about his visit to the United States in 1948. Today, 75 years later, the same Scriptural passage inspire our Bishop and the whole diocese of Madison to firmly embrace the present challenges and renew the presence of the Church locally: “Into the deep!”
Even when Father Kentenich saw the many obstacles that Schoenstatt could encounter in the future as well as the smallness of the instruments who would be entrusted with this great mission, he firmly trusted in the transforming power of the Blessed Mother to transform the Christian soul. Through insignificant instruments we have seen history unfold. The compass that our father and founder used was his practical faith in Divine Providence: the law of the open door.
In 1953, during the period of construction, to the group of couples, Father Kentenich said:
All in all, therefore, practical faith in Divine Providence or the law of the open door and creative resultants convince us that the Blessed Mother really and truly lives and reigns in this shrine in order to educate us and our children, in the first place, and to carry out a great educational task in America from here… We can see and say clearly everywhere: The Blessed Mother has really and truly taken up her abode here. The whole of Schoenstatt is a work of God, and so we are ready to give even our lives for this work of God.
Just as in 1948 he was convinced that God was inviting him to cast his nets into the deep waters of the world that opened before him in the land of opportunities, in the USA, he also invited the couples in 1953:
This summary seemed to be the formula with which he invited his first listeners to cast the nets deep into the source of grace and let Mary intercede the miracle of transformation, of sanctification. His goal was to open a source of grace that would enable the American Christian people to conquer the ideal of holiness. Quoting Cardinal Stritch, Father Kentenich spoke of the Americans having within themselves “the timber from which saints can be carved. “But…” Father Kentenich explains how the Cardinal turned to the priests listening to him and said: “what is lacking are the masterly hands to carve the wood.” The hands that can masterfully carve saints from the Americans is the Blessed Mother in her shrine.
Draw and draw again from the source of grace! We know why the Blessed Mother wants to take up her abode here. We want to tak all our needs to the Blessed Mother. She should give us the grace of spiritual transformation. I must place myself under the influence of her education… I must do my share by making what we call contributions to the capital of grace. First, battling against serious sin… second, battling against venial sin… Third, battling against myself… fourthly, battling against all that in unnecessary my life actions.
Today, on its 70th anniversary, when I physically or spiritually visit the shrine, do I bring one distinct contribution to the capital of grace, as a gift to the Blessed Mother, as sign of gratitude, love, trust, and petition? What is it?
70th Anniversary Celebration | Schoenstatt Founder Shrine | Madison, WI
June 20, 2023
- Happy Covenant Anniversary!
With a warm greeting on this 106th anniversary of the Covenant of Love, we send this motivation from Fr. Juan Pablo Catoggio on behalf of the National Presidium!